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Ice maker repair

"Home advisor sent capital city appliance to our home to repair our ice maker. Repairman said he would find a new ice maker for us and he would call me. Never happened. Won’t return calls. Terrible service. "

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"I don't write review's but I mean it...STAY AWAY...this company will try to **** any money they can from the Pros and mislead you that you will get so much work from them....well a lot of the leads if they do respond are looking for either your ideas and then they use your ideas with someone else or we had one lead decide they could use our ideas as a professional and do it themselves. We even had one lead make it seem as we were hired and had us climbing around in their attic and it turned out they just wanted a professional to check things out for them but they didn't want to go climbing around in their disgusting attic area....needless to say after all that they decided not to do anything!! STAY AWAY FROM HOME ADVISOR...THESE LEADS ARE A WASTE OF YOUR TIME PROS!!!! And Home Advisor will say they will put your account on hold...well if you are not on it they will start sucking more of your money from you the second they can if you are not quick enough to get it put on hold again because they only allow 14 days at a time...

As for the customers they tell you its free for you to hire someone but you will be charged by the Pro because they were charged a high amount to contact you!!

Save yourself a lot of anxiety and frustration and stay away...I am really trying to help you and learn from my stupid mistake...they will even try and lure you with so called free leads...don't fall for that either because with the so called free leads they will begin to charge you for other so called new leads and before you know it you will be paying for hundreds of dollars of so called leads...and then most of them will never respond to you and then you will waste a lot of time sorting that out with HA...provided you are not on hold forever!!!!

As you can tell I am very angry as I write this so please think of this review before you end up as frustrated and angry with this company....I truly hope someone sees this and begins and investigation into their business practices...I would love to see them nailed!!!



Do not use this company!

"I won't recommend this company to business owners. I got ripped off for $1000 and all what I received poor customer service. I never talk to as many unhelpful robotic managers unable to help to resolve customers needs and concerns. Sales team trained to tell you beautiful story how they will help you to support your business and not even one word about non-refund policy if they can't provide you service to your expectation! Way to go- take people money and do not take responsibility for not well trained personal. Everyone I spoke to knows only one fraise- " I apologize, no one will be able to help you". Wont be surprised if they go out of business."

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Electrician to install porch light & Ring doorbell.

"HA recommended Mr. Sparky. Brandon came to my home & told me I needed $1500 in repairs, 2 fire alarms & breakers replaced. I told him not interested & didn’t ask for that. He quoted $400 for porch light & ring doorbell. I thought it was too much. My daughter who never saw a ring doorbell read instructions & connected it in 20 minutes perfect. Such a rip off. Mr. Sparky is a high pressure sales organization & not interested in anything but $$$. "



HomeAdvisor.CRAP, not .com

"Lousy leads go nowhere. I’m with the majority of the other folks rating this “business.” Stay away—stay far away! We get messages saying there is a “professional” ready to bid on our job; however, we never hear from anyone! I’m going with Lowe’s or Home Depot. "

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Awesome job! Abraham Williams Drywall

"I had a great experience I needed some drywall done immediately so I contacted Home advisor I was referred to 2 contractors the first 1 estimated me at $400 his professionalism seem 2 be lacking I wasn't crazy about that so I decided to try someone else ABRAHAM'S DRYWALL I WAS VERY IMPRESSED BY HIS KNOWLEDGE SO I ALLOWED HIM 2 DO THE WORK AFTER SEEIN THE RESULTS I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND HIM GOOD JOB GOOD JOB"

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Waste Of Time

"This is the Second Time I tried Home Advisor for a home project or repair. Both times it proved to be a waste of time. Both time after 2 days I didn't receive a call back from any provider wishing to help me with my issues. Go someplace else folks. Save yourself time and aggravation.



Absolutely Atrocious

"Home Advisor will promise you everything and help you get your count set up but once its set up you can pause your account for only 2 weeks but can not cancel it. So they will continue to randomly charge you when not receiving leads. Also for the customer stand point please remember they only background check the owner of the company they recommend not the employees as you may have convicted felons, rapists, or even child molesters in your own home. Did you feel safe using them because I DONT. You will be much better off using a company like HOME Depot or ConXpros"

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Don't use homeadvisor

"Big scam don't use them you will be sorry"



these people dont even deserve 1 star. they take your money. the leads go no where. its a scam!!!

"1 year with them and spend more time on the phone to try and get credit for leads that werent even close to what we do. spend hours trying to get some where with them. "

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"They take your money and provide BS leads to people who either dont even want your services or who can't afford them. Then make you jump through hoops to get your money back. TERRIBLE.

I gave then a second chance after 1 year being told they fixed it yada yada.. all lies.

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Install Solar Roof fan

"I contacted HA in need of a pro to install my Solar ROOF fan. I did not hear from them for 2 weeks. The HA called and wanted to know how they did? I told her no one contacted me. She took my info and said OK someone would. I repeated 8 times it was a SOLAR ROOF FAN (to be installed on the roof). I get a call from someone asking me about my ceiling fan. I said no it was a SOLAR ROOF FAN. He said he could not help me. End of story."

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HOME ADVISER IS A SCAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Call craft jack!!!!!!!!!! they never have that problem with the leads..there leads are great and they answer and cost their leads cost less...:
if for some reason it is a bogus lead they will credit with in 1 min..

and is does not cost to sigh up and you can start with just 200 if you want.....

***-***-**** tell them Nicole sent you

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This company needs to go out of business...

"I'll keep it simple...
The HA business model encourages bad behavior from contractors. HA takes no action to protect customers from shoddy work. If you complain, they are passive, don't respond to attempts at communication, and simply hope you'll go away. There was resistance to every attempt at seeking a fair outcome, so I pushed on. In my last conversation, I asked why they had not suspended the contractor in light of the fact that he had refused to communicate with answer. So I pushed on to arbitration, which is a joke. If the contractor doesn't sign up to the the process, they close it out. Still, no suspension of the contractor...guess they know where their bread is buttered.
However, I DO highly recommend HA for contractors who are interested in screwing's a great gig! No oversight!!
Just show up and ask for your don't even need to do the work!



Horrible Experience

"The HomeAdvisor Handyman Pro services are a disaster. I would never recommend them to anyone. If you value your time, sanity, and supplies, steer clear of this company.

We scheduled a two-hour appointment through HomeAdvisor's Fixed-Price Handyman Services. We requested a professional to install twenty-seven feet of six-foot-high privacy fence, including four beams. The handyman showed up on time, but he didn't have any tools with him, not even a shovel to dig the holes for the posts. We were very specific about the nature of the job. The website clearly states that professionals are required to bring all the necessary tools for the job.

Regardless, my husband had all the necessary tools sitting out, and the handyman took an extension cord back with him (which he unplugged from a piece of equipment I was using at the time, without asking). Naturally, I assumed he was using the tools at hand. I was painting at the time, so I left him to his work. He came and got me a short time later to show me the beams he'd installed. They were horrible.

Anyone who knows anything about about fence installation knows that the amount of post installed underground should be equal to 1/3 the total height of the fence. We had ten-foot beams for a six-foot-high fence (the eight-foot beams were out of stock). That means that we needed six feet of the beam above ground, two feet underground (1/3 of six feet is two feet), and the remainder (two feet) should have been cut off and disposed of. He didn't bother to bring a chop saw, but ours was readily available. The beams hadn't been cut, and they were only about a foot in the ground. The handyman put the cement we'd supplied in first and then placed the beam on top of it; he should have put the post in (at an appropriate depth) and then poured the cement around it. He didn't bring anything to mix the cement with or in, so I had to supply that as well. I gave him permission to move anything that was directly in the way of the fence. For some reason, he ripped out an entire bush that was merely bordering the area. He was only at the house for about 40 minutes out of the two hours we'd booked. He left wet cement splattered all over the back patio, which my husband had to chisel off, because it was mostly dry when he got home. There were piles of dirt left all over the yard, as well as cement-covered buckets. This worker never touched the chop saw, but for some reason, used my husband's jigsaw and left it plugged in. It nearly took my husband's hand off when he went to move it. He also left our tape measure lying in our neighbor's yard. I'm baffled as to what he even needed it for, since the posts were unevenly spaced and the posts were only a foot in the ground, uncut.

We contacted HomeAdvisor and demanded that someone come out and undo his mess. Obviously, we were happy to pay for the two hours it would take to install the fence correctly, but we weren't going to pay for someone to undo a problem that their employee caused. The person we spoke with, Josh, promised to have a worker come out by 4PM that day (we had a photographer coming that evening to take pictures of the house to sell). He said that they'd comp us any time the handyman needed beyond the two hours we'd originally paid for and agreed to reimburse the wasted cement. I had to jump through a series of hoops to get a refund for our first handyman and make/pay for a new appointment. I had to call customer service again over an error message I received whenever I tried to make the new appointment. I was dumbfounded by their incompetence. For example, when I called tech support with my account information and the online error number, the representative asked me if I'd "tried going to to make my appointment." Unreal.

On top of everything, they cancelled our new appointment at the last minute due to a "call out." This was on a Friday. We rescheduled for Monday morning at 8AM with HomeAdvisor and with the photographer for Monday evening. Monday morning, around 7AM, HomeAdvisor again cancelled due to a "call out." We had to take the pictures without the yard. The back-and-forth with customer service was terrible. The notes they had in the system about our situation were sketchy at best, and the new person we spoke to insisted that we wouldn't be compensated for any time beyond our two-hour window. My husband was on the phone arguing with them for almost an hour. When my husband tried to speak with a supervisor, he was put on hold and then told that a supervisor "wasn't available." Eventually, we decided to just see how long the new appointment took and cross that bridge when we came to it.

Finally, someone came to our house on Tuesday at 8AM. This time, it was a couple, and they also did not bring any tools. The details about the job, including the need to remove the improperly installed fence posts, had been clearly provided beforehand. This set of workers told us they would need $250 cash to go rent some "necessary equipment" to do the job. When we reminded them that they were supposed to have any necessary tools, and that we'd already paid HomeAdvisor, they told us to cancel our HomeAdvisor appointment and pay them directly. Unbelievable! When we told them to leave, the woman even left us a card: Vicky ****, ***-***-****. We called HomeAdvisor and were issued a refund. My husband asked for the workers' Home Improvement Contractor numbers so we could file complaints. They refused to give us any information. Clearly, we weren't working with professionals on any level.

My husband and I took down the improperly installed posts and re-installed the fence ourselves. Interestingly enough, we didn't require any tools other than the ones we already had at the house. Removing and re-installing the posts took less than two hours. The only thing that took longer was waiting for the cement to harden enough for us to screw the fence panels to the posts. We're still communicating with HomeAdvisor about a reimbursement for our wasted cement.

A nightmare from start to finish. Stay far away.

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