"The outfits have nice designs but the size is not accurate. I have a son who is 4 and fits in 4T and so I ordered 4-5 and it fits more like 2-3. Then my 10 year old who fits in 10/12 I got him 10-12 and it fits more like 7-8. It also took almost 3 weeks to get delivered. "
"Amazing website for shopping"
"great products. so glad i found this "
"It was very great and cool. The clothes are the same like in the photos. "
"Beautiful things, the prices are good"
"I've been ordering from Pat Pat for years and I LOVE Pat Pat!! Always a great experience.
I always order a size or two up. Sizes run smaller in my experience, but that's no big deal! So worth the price. I buy ALL matching sets and they're always adorable! I'm rarely disappointed, and I buy A LOT from this website! Will continue to buy for years to come! "
"First order, so I'll c if I will order again after my merch arrives."
"love the quailty of the clothing and the prices are awesome very affordable "
"My granddaughter looks so cute in the clothes from PatPat , not spending a fortune either ! ❤️❤️❤️"
"Wish their were more non slip socks that I bought for the twins when they were younger"
"very good products ifor my boy"
" Ycghkoc t xchvjbonpn I ibigig"
We are sorry if you haven't received nay order confirmation on your current order.
As checked, your order is still in normal transit and rest assured the courier will update the tracking details as soon as possible.
You may have an option to check your order’s status here: http://www.PatPat.com/guest/orderquery. You may also learn more about our Processing and Shipping Time frames here: https://www.PatPat.com/delivery.
In addition, we have also sent you an email to your email address associated with your order addressing your concern. Please do check your inbox or spam/junk folder. You may also send us an email to https://www.patpat.com/article/help/contact at your earliest convenience quoting this review so we can address any issues in a timely manner.”
"I needed XXL for men size of the family matching sets. The sorting function was not working properly. Most of the matching outfit results did not have men's XXL. I also found it disappointing that most of the matching outfits include baby girls and not very many available for baby boys.
In addition, the website keeps going to Arabic page... "
We apologize for the trouble you have experienced on our website while placing your order.
Your feedback is very much appreciated and will be one of the things we will be keeping in mind, moving forward towards improving as a company.
In addition, we have also sent you an email to your email address associated with your order addressing your concern. Please do check your inbox or spam/junk folder. You may also send us an email to https://www.patpat.com/article/help/contact at your earliest convenience quoting this review so we can address any issues in a timely manner.”
"i need to use different browser"
We apologize for the trouble you have experienced on our website while placing your order.
Your feedback is very much appreciated and will be one of the things we will be keeping in mind, moving forward towards improving as a company.
In addition, we have also sent you an email to your email address associated with your order addressing your concern. Please do check your inbox or spam/junk folder. You may also send us an email to https://www.patpat.com/article/help/contact at your earliest convenience quoting this review so we can address any issues in a timely manner.
"I like PatPat. Kids grow fast so there is no sense in paying a lot for clothes. This site sells cute clothes, of decent quality at low prices. Works well for gifts for my grandchild."
A rep from PatPat, interfocus, has responded:
We sincerely apologize if the item that you have received didn't meet your expectation.
Your feedback is very much appreciated and will be one of the things we will be keeping in mind, moving forward towards improving as a company.
In addition, we have also sent you an email to your email address associated with your order addressing your concern. Please do check your inbox or spam/junk folder. You may also send us an email to https://www.patpat.com/article/help/contact at your earliest convenience quoting this review so we can address any issues in a timely manner.