"Very quick and accurate service. Received notification when items were shipped. "
"Having called to ask questions about an item I wanted to order I was greeted nicely and given excellent help. Also appreciated getting updates as to each item shipped which is helpful to know when items are on the way. "
"I ordered an XL helmet which is the same size as my old helmet (different brand). It was so small I could not fit it on my head. My hat size is 7 1/8 which tellls me I need to order a medium helmet. If I can't get my head into an XL helmet you can imagine the problem with the medium sized helmet. I returned it and asked for a replacement the same brand as the old helmet. It has not arrived yet.. I guess it will take some time. The company needs to look at the scale for helmet sizes. Otherwise it will continue to be a problem"
"Items were shipped quickly, and arrived in great shape. Easy and fast. Couldn't ask for more.."
"J&P has once again delivered competitive pricing, fast shipping and quality products. If you are looking to repair, replace or customize they are hands down the best online motorcycle superstore."
"Product arrived in a timely manner and in great shape. reasonable priced. very happy with J&P"
"Exactly what I ordered. Fast delivery."
"Always a happy customer. Fast shipping and best prices. My bike runs and looks better. "
"Great customer support and crew! Thanks"
"It worked and received in timely manner "
"Shipping was fast, ordered a new seat on the weekend and received it on Thursday. Just in time for a benefit ride on Saturday!"
"Some of the items sold are cheaply made. I also need a copy of a receipt i have been waiting weeks for. Prices could be better. "
"Fast and quick service.great selections at great prices and service."
"Order was shipped delivered on time and was the right product! Very pleased with JPCYCLES!"
"J&P customer services is fast and courteous, pricing is always competitive. First Class operation."