"Reason why no invoice number is due to no one at Sprint or Nextel has any idea how to fix a problem. Here is the story and it hurts BIG TIME, mind you i have this numbeer since 1998 !! I wanted to go Hydrid = Sprint Cellular and Nextel Walkie Talkie for business reasons. I have had my number since 1998 so you can imagine how many people have this number i fix computers for a Living. So, a6 weeks ago aprox icould make calls but not receive any, than a week later, neither placing calls nor receiving calls, there are soo many people involved, it is unreal, if i could find the person that releses my number to another carrier for pre paid phone service !!! I well.............. As it stands, I am waiting till they have it fixed and than i will also sue them for the loss of income an that is not a joke, i have people all over the world for emote support and unfortinuatly 90% of them do not even read the signatue velow my e-mails which clearly states an alternative nmber. I never had a problem this bad with sprint and ihave spend thousnds on phones as well as with Nextel, i do have to say prior to the merger, on Nextes side, they were way too expansive, sprint had all we needed except the walkie talkie "ReadyLink" was terrible I am loyal to companies that treat me well, i use thesame people on ebay for arts. I wished that some executive memeber from sprint would finally call me and at least apologize and get this done, i have lost complete ncome and fully intend to get this vack for as much as i can, so the longer this lasts, the larger the bill, people think i am out of business and that is losss of future income as well, this is going to be very expansive."

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"Originally 12/04/2005 Bought a PDA Axim 50V, than bought the upgrade to WM5, never worked over 22.000 petitions were collected with same problem. Dell has never refunded the cost or fixed the problem. I was finally after having problems with cradle and dead extra purchased battery given a brand-new Axim 51v after waiting 2 years for a fix. They transferred my Warranty 297 days left over for which i paid "extended. Now a brand-new unit comes with 12 months warranty anyways but Dell is refusing to either ADD the 1 year to it plus the remainder of my paid extension, nor allow me to pay for an extension. I believe that DELL must feel so insecure with the reliability and or longevity, that they refuse this. Even Supervisor said no. So, I hope Dell Corporate sees this and will honor the rightfully 12 months PLUS my extended leftover days at least. I am a PC Technician and constantly have to rate systems performance warranty etc. Leaving me like this, I don't think I need to explain what will happen from this point on, since it is the second time of non satisfactory engagement. updated 8/25/07 Dell finally issued a Axim51v due to false promises and never resolving the WM5 issues. I had to RMA twice due to problems. Dell does no longer produce PDA's, what a shame, i loved their product !"

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"Only have estimate Bought 4 cams 2x 420 2x 380w A One DOA Took me a month and countless; argumentative conversations to get one replaced. 1 380 lines is dead all less than a year old. This company’s also doing business as via EBay. Terrible picture quality. Hint everybody says Sony CCTV but the min factor is the conversion in the backend that send the correct video signal again al composite "worst video quality" They forgot to send ALL BMC connectors and didn’t even bother to fulfill the complete order, they made me feel like a liar, needles to say I will never buy from\them again. I now have direct manufacture distributorship which blows al I have researched out of the water. I am now able to see my surveillance cams via PDA and any internet connection 128kb upload required min. Despite their enormous 16 cam card capability please be advised, the more cams you pus on the lower the frame rate, hence high end cards cost like 2k or more for REAL TIME much clearer for cops to see faces in case you get robbed. A word on their software, I did research on who actually made the software and got in direct contact with that person, 5 times I had asked for corrections and he came through, however whoever owns this, TRY the E-mail function, it doest open up at all. The new release has slightly improved however same problem with alarm E-mail, hence useless. Asianwolf and Wolfcam as said are one and the same, so BE WARNED! Update 8/25/07 By now, All small Transformers are broken, The RCA wiring is too sensitive when you pull it hence kinks etc estroy the video transfer, this should all have been coaxial for superior quality. I am now stuck with dead cameras period. I will try to hook them up with coaxial since voltage is the same as ampage exceeds requirments, there should not be a problem. If I didnt have such a bad experience, i would order new stem "theirs is plastic very cheap" BTW sofrware has been updated but mail funtion is still not avaiable so if you need to be notified if movement, thee is no way."

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"I have bought wireless equipment "cameras immediately send back absolutely unacceptable quality 10 feet between receiver and transponder; remember I do this for a living. RMA went flawless, got my money back, they do have some very cool gismos But you need to know what you buy, CS is useless in explanation and is pushing items on you, that you really don't need. Ever heard of impulse shipping/ Once you order from them, you get daily e-mils claiming best new price or 48 hrs left to get on this deals etc. I been looking at the night cam for 299+ and out of 30, marketing hypes, not a single time has this changed or other items, so do not buy into the hype. I am satisfied probably once i open some items i still have in boxes, but i do NOT recommend any cameras or surveillance from them. 380 lines + Audio is by far worse than a 420 line Cam works way better and is clearer. Cables come as composite, which is the absolute lowest end to transfer video signals and than gets plugged into BMC "coaxial connectors" Do not waste you money on those items. EDIT : Below is also a statement to the software, which I also found to be inferior. I just ordered multiplex items with different software for whole household autoimmunization, I do give a second chance for as long as I am treated respectfully.."

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Merchant Member

"Without a doubt Fastest shipperw ithin soCAL. Also oe of y main retailers. If small or large purchases, they get here excellent packed fair priced and RMA's are hndled flawless Recomended for the safety oriented shopper"

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"Abolutly hands down best provider with warranties , i bought in access of 3k within two months and all is flawless, some time back i had an RMA no problems. This time i ordered QUAD CORE qith 680i Mobo and two LCD which are excellent as well as a visiontek projector "some problems may RMA" I ordered today a refurb PC and 4 GB of DDR 400, called back and canceled the PC since i have so many s is including hardware etc. I do home to ultra high end surveilance and video phones over ln internationally. My order for the pc was immediatly cancelled , extremly satisfied in ALL areas inclduing CS"

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"I am rewriting this competly to make this simple. Bought a 42 Inch LG Plasma with a 4 year extebded Warranty on August 16th 2006 It is now going on 5 months that this TV remains unfixed so still within 1 year even BB has refusedto exchange the unit and after asking for my money back for the extencec warranty and this is the KILLER, it starts the day you buy it NOT after the manufactures Warranty is over !! I was so fed up that a mont ago i started calling LG itself despite them even being slow and mishandled the case LG just today called me from Executive Branch and apologized up and down and will RA the unit. Vest Buy has never once replied to any Faxes from two or four "cant recall" Repair companies to authorize Parts and LAbor= Failure of performance sold warranty without acting. I have now picked up small claim forms , did research on Google alone the first page brought up 100's of service contract issues, i printed out about a 100 and will use this either in Small claims or with a lawyer who handles Class action lawsuits which i have contacted today. if he takes the case, i will pos it here so anyone with th same problem can join. I rewrote this on 8/25th /07. Please if you have enough and have extended service contract with non performance, bookmark this post, i will update and even if it is not class action yet, i will post small claims court case number for refeence, it is time that this company not only gets suit by Microsoft but from people that are helpless!"

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