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"I ordered a t-shirt for my son. While the image on the website looked crisp, the design on the actual product I received looked like someone printed it off their home computer and ironed it on themselves. Very disappointed! "

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"I could not be more disappointed in this company. I placed an order on December 12th and was told the order would arrive in 3-5 business days. I specifically called to confirm it would arrive before the 22nd when we were having our holiday party and my order would be needed. I told them I would be happy to pay for expedited shipping if needed and they assured me it would arrive long before then. Well, needles to say, I did not receive my order in time. This will ruin my party which is a theme party and required these gifts. I called over the last few days several times- was on hold a minimum of 26 minutes each time i called, and got lied to over and over. Today, the "supervisor" admitted that they were 3-5 days behind and would not be getting the order to me in time. They should have been prepared for the holidays- and at minimum could have been honest with me so I could have made other arrangements. Now, I have no time to plan a new theme for my party tomorrow. Cafe press lost a good customer and I strongly recommend not using them."

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"Like the majority of the orders placed on this site "LATE, LATE, LATE" Do not order from this company unless you want to have a bad experience. If I would have read the reviews before clicking purchase, I would have never bought anything from them. With a one star review, seems like a confused company with a disaster on their hands. More than 10 days to deliver a hat and then they told me it would come after Christmas. Received no tracking information, couldn't login to their site even after numerous requests for password change. Never got an email with a link to change. Ugh. What a nightmare. Stay away from this chaos."

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"Slow service. Ordered Christmas ornaments for my team on 12/11. Nothing all week, and finally called them to find out what's going on with my order. Long wait to get someone, even when I entered my order number to check status with the automated system, it said it couldn't find my order.
Once I got a hold of someone, as told it shipped (eventhough I didn't receive an email confirmation) and that I would get it 12/20, eventhoguh when I ordered it, I would get it by the 19th.
That night I got an email confirmation that it shipped, finally. Tracked it on line on the 18th & 19th. Both days, it showed still in Indianapolis, and thought this couldnt be right.
Again, long wait to get connected, again my order wasn't in their automated system. Was told I would then get it by Fri 12/21.
Next day, nothing. Next day (21st), nothing. Called again, (long wait again) and got the tracking #, which showed it didn't ship out till very late on the 20th, received by UPS 2AM on the 21st. Considering this was a replacement, they should have shipped it out the same day (19th) to ensure I got it, not last minute, when there was no chance of recovery if something went wrong. Which it did. Snow storm in the midwest. Which means, the ornaments I orders will get here arrive on the 26--too late for the trees they were for.
On a good note, they did refund my money, but since these were gifts, I'm now tasked to tell my team I have no gift for them. Guess cash is a more reliable option than something from CafePress.

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"The selection of products was amazing. I really enjoyed the witty shirts. I ordered 2 t-shirts, a sweatshirt and an ornament. They came a day before I expected - which was very nice. The quality of the product though was very disappointing. The shirts were see through and small. The ornament was cheap too. For the price - I rather use Customink!"

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"Not what I thought I was ordering - Thought that I was ordering a set of 4 coasters and received 1 coaster for each of 3 orders of 4. Checked the website the day I received my order and it was nothing like the day that I made my order."

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"Unfortunately I am having a very bad experience with My order is now 13 days late and I have tried to log a ticket with support. Heard nothing back for 2 days. Rang the number they sent me in the automated email. It was not an international number, so I couldn't get through. Ended up creating a twitter account just to get some answers. Told that there was no tracking id on my order and to just wait it out some more! Very frustrating and very poor customer service. Going to have to contact my credit card company to cancel the payment."

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"Absolutely awful. I ordered my daughter a sweatshirt that was supposed to say "peace love giraffes". When I got it, the front was correct, the back said "peace love Michael". Fine, a mistake. I contacted them, they offered to send a replacement. Awesome. Got the replacement - same exact mistake! Seriously? I emailed back asking for a refund, supposedly the refund is being processed. I can't believe they would send the same mistake twice. Its a shame, because she would have loved the shirt if correct. But Christmas is coming and I can't trust they will get it right the third time."

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"This is not a company I would ever do business with again. I
ordered something for Christmas,paid for Premium shipping, and
was told I would receive the item on the 12th (today). It didn't
arrive, and when I checked, learned that it hadn't even been shipped yet. I canceled the order because at this point, I
can't trust anything they say.

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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"Cafe Press impressed me with their customer service! I received a t-shirt that was too small. The provided me with excellent customer service which resulted in a very satisfied customer. I would do repeat business with them anytime."

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
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Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"Second week of September 2012 I ordered merchandise from the movie "Ted". Today is December 8th, and the items are listed as "Production" when the order is tracked. The birthday the items were ordered for has long since passed, to the disappointment of myself and my daughter who the gifts were for. If you are ordering gifts for someone on a specific date, I would advised you to avoid Cafepress."

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Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"Customer service excellent, sizes can be a bit strange! Best to phone and speak to someone. Products brilliant!"

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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"I ordered two shirts on amazon through cafepress. I received an email stating image verification issue and that it violated their content usage policy. Went to their sight and they still had the shirts so I emailed them asking why they still had them posted. They emailed back that one of the shirts was no longer available so they cancelled my order. I have never heard of anyone doing that, one item no longer available so cancel the whole order?? I won't be ordering through them any longer, though they answered my email quickly enough, I would have liked to have gotten the t-shirt that was still available."

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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"The product quality was completely unacceptable. They didn't just print the logo onto the tee-shirt, they printed the whole front black with a thick matte paint which makes it the most uncomfortable/rough garment one could find. There were also creases pressed into the material from where it was folded over during the process, leaving long triangular patches of black fabric paint over the sides of the tee-shirt. This product wouldn't be worth 2 dollars at a thrift store, much less the 30 it cost me. "

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"CafePress is an excellent company. I loved every step of the ordering status. The instructions were extremely easy to follow. The email communication was from a person; not from an automated foremat. I look forward to doing my ordering with CafePress in the future. Keep up the great work!!!! Lisa"

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