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EMS Computing

359 reviews
1.00 / 5

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I ordered an Antec Case 630SXII on October 15, 2002, and they never shipped it. They only responded to one of my many e-mails, and only after I threatened to contact my credit card company. They say the case has been on backorder even when their website says it's in stock.
I just hope they refund my credit card, which still hasn't happened!!!

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is easy to do business with
Is trustworthy
Is consumer focused
Is committed to quality products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Delivering products on-time
Ease of checking delivery status
Delivering products damage free
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Ease of checking order status
Ease of ordering online
Overall customer service
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service being knowledgeable
Overall web site
Speed of web site
Web site reliability
Web site being easy to use



"These guys need to work on customer service. I ordered a Samsung 955DF monitor on 10/21. On 10/24 I called the 800 number listed on the order confirmation because I hadn't received a tracking number. The number has been disconnected! I e-mailed the company, hoping to receive a quick response. Nothing. With a sinking feeling I read the comments on this site. As I was dialing the non-800 number around noon on 10/28, the the brown truck pulled up and out came a 955df. It plugged and played as expected.
I don't need a lot of hand holding, but this company made me nervous. Their prices are great, merchandise was first rate, shipping as promised. But I never got a reply to my e-mail. BTW , I received a tracking number this morning!

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is consumer focused
Is easy to do business with
Is committed to quality products and services
Is trustworthy
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process



"I started looking around for some consumer feedback after I ordered from ems largely because I did not get a tracking number from them after order acknowledgement and the fact that they charged my card before an acknowledgement of shipping readiness . Their terms and conditions page clearly states .."charges your card almost immediately after notification that your order is scheduled to ship." Well not exactly. When I stumbled across resellerratings I have to admit the messages were freaking me out. The only encouraging thing I read, interspersed between all the nightmare experiences, was that those who managed to contact the principals, specifically Herb Jones got their problems resolved. I made an order for only a pair of stereo headphones hardly the heavy bucks some of these people were trying to recoup so I wondered why in the hell would any business buy themselves trouble over 35 bucks. I placed my order on the 22nd of October and received it today the 31st, a 9 day turn around. The price was the best on the web and as it turned out I need not have worried. Herb Jones answered my questions promptly saying the customer service problem is the result of "explosive growth". I did not bother to point out until my last email to him that hiring more reps should be the response to such growth. I requested tracking numbers on Tuesday the 29th. He said they would be sent to me and or posted at the website or he would retrieve them from UPS personally. Today the 31st they still were nowhere to be found so I emailed him again. This time the prompt response had the numbers but the point of origin for shipping was Memphis, Tenn. It seems they have a warehouse there and probably other places around the country as well. In summary I don't necessarily believe these guys to be dishonest but neither are they spit and polished organized either. I should point out my first email before discovering this site to customer service bounced. So without the contact info I found here I would have been left in the dark for a week and a half. I loved the price but you simply cannot treat customers the way they seem bent on doing. It's difficult enough to make orders online so the successful reseller is one who will do the utmost to address customer confidence as well as price. "

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is trustworthy
Is consumer focused
Is easy to do business with
Is committed to quality products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Ease of checking delivery status
Delivering products on-time
Delivering products damage free
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Ease of ordering online
Ease of checking order status
Overall customer service
Customer service being knowledgeable
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service being easy to reach
Overall web site
Web site reliability
Speed of web site
Web site being easy to use



"Purchased a Canon Printer. My order was submitted on a Saturday. Order was processed and shipped in a very reasonable amount of time."

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is consumer focused
Is trustworthy
Is committed to quality products and services
Is easy to do business with
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Delivering products on-time
Ease of checking delivery status
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Delivering products damage free
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of checking order status
Ease of ordering online
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Overall web site
Web site reliability
Speed of web site
Web site being easy to use



"This is my second order from EMS the first was in July 2002. This order was handled better and faster than the first. I ordered two items the first round, a Cardbus for the Laptop and a Set of Altec Lansing 641 speakers. I did not check the reseller ratings then, but a the delays mounted I did, but EMS assured me all was well, and offered to refund if the delay was unacceptable. I got them both well packaged and no suprises. the prices were significantly cheaper on the speakers. Fast forward to October, my wife wanted a set of speakers for her TV Kareoke setup, just like mine I rechecked prices and even though EMS had the best prices, I considered their speed. I thought the price justified a little time and on the 13th I ordered from them. The order was promptly acknowleged, but it did not ship till the 17th, (UPS Ground) and Delivered on the 21st in good condition. I think their order process is sluggish, but the 13th to the 21st to get a 60 pound set of speakers is not too bad. I would order from them again. "

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is trustworthy
Is easy to do business with
Is committed to quality products and services
Is consumer focused
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Ease of checking delivery status
Delivering products on-time
Delivering products damage free
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of ordering online
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Ease of checking order status
Overall customer service
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service being knowledgeable
Overall web site
Speed of web site
Web site reliability
Web site being easy to use



"I'm glad I'm not alone in this!

I ordered 2 CTX monitors from EMS on June 17, 2002. They charged my credit card immediately. The first monitor arrived one month later, and the second monitor has never even been shipped. I've e-mailed them numbers of time without any response.

So, I order 2 monitors, paid for 2 monitors, and only received 1. They owe me about $138 and I'm ticked. Stay away from this company.

If you have any suggestions I'm all ears.



Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is consumer focused
Is trustworthy
Is committed to quality products and services
Is easy to do business with
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process



"I ordered a wireless router on Monday, 10/15 after checking to see the item was in stock. Because, I had purchased from EMS before, I expected to receive the item in a couple of days. On Friday 10/18, I still hadn't received the item. I tried to call but only got an answering machine requesting an email be sent for customer support. I sent a message...they did respond but gave no explanation for the delays. After reading the messages below, I have decided to wait a couple more days before cancelling...since that seems to be a big deal too. This is my last purchase from EMS."

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is committed to quality products and services
Is easy to do business with
Is consumer focused
Is trustworthy
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process



"well I can tell you this, check out ftc's website

Also your credit card company has great support. Don't let a company charge your 5% for cancellation. Just dispute the charge, they have no right to do so. (majority of time it will be illegal..however visa doesn't care which way it is and will give you your money back)

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is easy to do business with
Is trustworthy
Is consumer focused
Is committed to quality products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process



"They charge 5% Order Cancellations fee, even before they send the product
I ordered an ANtec case from EMS on 10/12/02 after cheking they got 35 items in stock

i expected it to be sent in one or two days, but after one week the product was not sent.
I complined (via email) i was told it will be sent next week

nothing in their site implies that they will need so much time to send an item *which they said they got plenty in stock*

now they charge my credit-card on 10/14/02

when i tried to check how to cancel i found this page:

saying that they charge me 5% cancelation fee when i cancel *before they ship the order*
i never saw a place charging you for canceling something they never did.

i'm still trying to findout *how* to actully cancel the order, so far no luck.


Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is trustworthy
Is easy to do business with
Is consumer focused
Is committed to quality products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Delivering products damage free
Ease of checking delivery status
Delivering products on-time
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of checking order status
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Ease of ordering online
Overall technical support
Overall web site
Web site reliability
Speed of web site
Web site being easy to use



"I order an LCD from this company which they stated they had 14 of in stock. I emailed them after I placed the order and was garunteed it would go out by the following monday. It never shipped. I have contacted them and recieved an automated response stating one of their customer service people would contact me in 24-48 hours. It has been well past that time, and I have niether heard from them, nor has my package shipped."

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is consumer focused
Is trustworthy
Is committed to quality products and services
Is easy to do business with
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Delivering products on-time
Ease of checking delivery status
Delivering products damage free
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of checking order status
Ease of ordering online
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Overall technical support
Making decisions on their own
Resolving problems
Being easy to reach
Being knowledgeable
Being trustworthy
Overall customer service
Customer service being knowledgeable
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service resolving problems
Overall web site
Web site reliability
Web site being easy to use
Speed of web site



"When EMS ran their free shipping deal during the summer, I decided to pick up a Sony G420S, at the excellent price of ~$330 shipped.

I knew about the problems they were having at the time, so I kept a close eye on the order status. They have a policy of shipping within 10 business days, so when the eleventh came, I contacted Eric Stockton, whose telephone number and extension are listed below this post.

When I finally got hold of him and not his answering machine, he said he'd get my order sent promptly. The monitor was shipped soon after and arrived in perfect condition.

I'm very happy with the monitor, and the price was _fantastic_. However, they did break their 10 day policy, so they'll need a comparable deal to get me to order from them again.

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is committed to quality products and services
Is consumer focused
Is trustworthy
Is easy to do business with
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Delivering products damage free
Delivering products on-time
Ease of checking delivery status
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of checking order status
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Ease of ordering online
Overall customer service
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service being knowledgeable
Overall web site
Web site reliability
Web site being easy to use
Speed of web site




If you're having problems contacting this dealer, I suggest talking to them directly, face-to-face. Is this their new or old address?

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is consumer focused
Is easy to do business with
Is trustworthy
Is committed to quality products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process



"I'm going through all this hassle of registering on various e-biz ratings sites to warn people of EMS Computing's shady business practices.

I purchased an Altec Lansing 641 4.1 speaker system from them back in August, 2002. I received it in two days and was pretty satisfied. When I discovered that there was a defect in the speaker cones, I received an RMA and call tag approval fairly expediently. UPS came by two days after the call tag and return authorization. Dot. Dot. Dot.

Let's see here... does something not sound right to you... it is now October, 2002, and I still haven't received any speakers, or even one reply to six of my emails.

I complained to BBB in their Florida division, but I doubt that BBB's going to do anything useful.

Another thing is that I contact's phone support, and I was asking about their relations to EMS Computing. Twice, the representatives flat out lied to me, denying any affiliation, when there are reports of people that order with techsavings and definitely receive invoices fulfilled by EMS Computing. And the fact that they're both in the same Florida area only bolsters the claim.

Anyway, I am glad to hear that there are many others who are taking legal action with this company, because they are misbehaving, and their business practices are utterly unacceptable.

And to reply to the person who told us to give EMS Computing a break: First of all, EMS Computing should warn their customers about delays associated with moving, if they even are in the first place. Second, EMS Computing should be refurding credit until they are re-established, because there are people like me who are waiting for two months without one answer or reply, or any assurance that the product is either going to be refunded or replaced.

Not only is EMS Computing depriving me of entertainment by not sending me back non-defective speakers, they're also preventing me from resolving the problem by holding up the process and preventing me from getting a refund to actually get the speakers. That is what really angers me.

I don't know how the current front-end business is going on right now, as I'm not purchasing anything from them right now, but one thing I can say for sure is that their support is horrible. And even that is an understatement. I mean that EMS Computing's support and current business practices are just so repulsive and disgusting that I want to see them receive punishment for it.

Oh, well... I'll just call the people that others mentioned in earlier posts. As a reminder, here they are again:

EMS Computing

President and CEO - Eric M. Stockton - ext 2353 ****@****
General Manager - Herb Jones - ext 2355 ****@****
Sales Manager - Jennifer Fernandez - ext 1357 ****@****
Accounting Manager - Kevin Sudbury - ext 7055 ****@****
Ben Tomblin ****@****
Phil Perry - ext 3294 ****@****

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is committed to quality products and services
Is easy to do business with
Is trustworthy
Is consumer focused
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Delivering products on-time
Delivering products damage free
Ease of checking delivery status
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Ease of checking order status
Ease of ordering online
Overall customer service
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service being knowledgeable
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges
Overall web site
Web site being easy to use
Speed of web site
Web site reliability



"AS EVERYONE HAS PREVIOUSLY SAID, STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY!!!!! I mailed a money order in the amount of $440.08 for a monitor, hard drive and speakers. They wrote me and told me that they had received payment on Sept. 3rd. That was the last time I heard from them. They never responded to ONE email I sent them. I filed a complaint with Florida's Dept. of Ag. and Consumer affairs, and have begun to threaten EMS with some legal action. Now, they're finally saying that the check is in the mail. Not that that means anything. I'm still considering legal action against them because the way they are conducting business is clearly illegal. I've lost time and money because of their horrendous and shady business practice. AN ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE. STAY AWAY FROM EMS AND TECHSAVINGS.COM, THE SAME CRAPPY COMPANY. DANGER!!!!!!


Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is consumer focused
Is trustworthy
Is committed to quality products and services
Is easy to do business with
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Delivering products damage free
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Ease of checking delivery status
Delivering products on-time
Variety of brands and products offered



"The WORST experience with an online vendor I've ever had. I ordered a monitor from EMS a bout a year ago and although they never gave me a tracking number I received it in a timely manner.

This time I ordered a monitor and a case and after writing them 4 emails, and leaving a voicemail, I still haven't heard from them in any way. My order status was never sent to me and after 2 weeks I decided I just wanted to cancel my order, so I did. I decided to just pay $30 more and get my monitor and case from which I've NEVER had a problem with.

I will never do business with EMS again. My suggestion is just to skip the lower prices at EMS and pay the few extra dollars for whatever you want at NewEgg, or some other quality dealer online that actually has a customer service department.

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is committed to quality products and services
Is consumer focused
Is easy to do business with
Is trustworthy
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Delivering products damage free
Delivering products on-time
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Ease of checking delivery status
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ease of checking order status
Ease of ordering online
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Overall technical support
Resolving problems
Being knowledgeable
Being trustworthy
Being easy to reach
Making decisions on their own
Overall customer service
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service being knowledgeable
Customer service resolving problems
Overall web site
Web site reliability
Web site being easy to use
Speed of web site