"Most of the time I use Grainger to research attributes of various products. I love the way your site helps me to compare (including price). Usually I am not looking for a specific part number; but rather the best part for the job. once I find the part I turn it over to purchasing and they take it from there. We don't always buy; but it is where we go to shop."
"I found what I needed, and ordered. Easy and fast."
"While I don't mind completing a survey, I was very annoyed by the pop-up box, asking me to complete a survey. It interrupted my browsing process. Also this survey was much longer than I expected."
"Great experience. No issues."
"Great. I entered what I was looking for in the search and there it was."
"Grainger is well organized and easy to use."
"I was able to quickly find the product I was looking for."
"Grainger ordering process on website was quick; survey is too long"
"I am just the Mechanic, I try to get the parts from you. The OEM part are 300% + more for the same product"
"I was able to find what I needed quickly"
"Easy to navigate and find what I was looking for,but not enough D widths to choose from in ladies safety shoes {4 pair}"
"My experience was very good. I need to verify fully before making my selection."
"$28 vs $19 with shipping? Way too high."
"Excellent website with a plethora of information...."
"Get it! Got it! Good! Works for me!"