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"Received a defective part from Page Computers a (1500 Watt Inverter) and they refuse to refund my money after I received an RMA and shipped it back several weeks ago. Very unpleasant as the company will not even return my contact attempts"

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"I have ordered from this retailer many times over the past few years. Until this particular order, everything was just fine, with most orders arriving earlier than anticipated.

This order has soured me on the company. I placed the order on 2/15/07...everything was [supposedly] in stock. But my order has stayed on "in process" for the past two weeks. I filled out their e-mail form requesting a response from customer service. HA! So I called. And got the "all representatives are busy...please contact us via e-mail" message. What a joke. Today, I called and left an angry message. A "CS" rep returned my call, and gave me some bulls**t excuse about processing errors on their part. I told the rep to cancel the order, which she did. She wanted me to replace it, but I told her that I would not do that until I had received confirmation of the cancellation. I did receive the confirmation, and their website also shows that the order was cancelled. But I am not going to re-place the olrder with them. I'd rather pay a litle more and order from a reputable compamy.

It's really a shame. This was a good retailer in the past. I don't know what has happened, but they have lost my business.

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" is too good for this company. Shop elsewhere. If you've already made a purchase, call your credit card immediately requesting a reversal of charges."

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"no customer service contactable, order charged to me but never shipped/received. been over a month now, The phone is never answered, so forget about adding that charge to what you already payed for "zero competancy" service.
Stay away from this place folks..........

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"I ordered this netgear STOR-CNTRL all the way back in January and after about two weeks I was a little confused of how I haven't recieved my order, for the website states that it was shipped quite a while ago. First I e-mailed them about it, and afterwards I called them around 3 times, just to get a message that their lines were so overpacked that the only way to contact them was through e-mail. It is now a month later and I am still unable to make any contact with the company. Trust me, the extra couple of bucks you will spend on new-egg are well worth dealing with people who know what they are doing...."

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"I have been trying to get ahold of their sales department for days, but get a recording saying to email them... I email them, but get no reply. If it is this hard to GIVE them my money, how hard will it be to get customer service after a sale???

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Order# 2052746
January 20 - Date of order.
January 22 - Charged credit card.
February 7 - Received email stating they were out of stock and a refund would be issued.
February 10 - Refund issued as credit to credit card.

Three phone calls directed me to contact them through email.

I had sent two emails politely asking PageComputers to ship my order. I did not demand or threaten.

The out-of-stock email was received after 16 days; 4 days after my first email and 2 days after my second email. PageComputers mentioned difficulty with warehouse and that they will credit my account for the full amount charged.

It is apparent that PageComputers attempted to correct the situation with their warehouse and ship the order but were unable to do this in a timely manner. It does not appear that their intention is to cheat.

It is important to provide a company an opportunity to rectify the situation before complaining to other agencies, such as the Federal Trade Commission, Better Business Bureau, Department of Consumer Affairs, or the District Attorney's office. A question each of these agencies will ask is what opportunity you provided the company to fix the situation.

Aspects PageComputers needs to improve:
1 - internal relations with their warehouse.
2 - communications with customers
3 - inventory database
4 - order should be charged when shipped, not before
5 - webpage is difficult to search

My family has ordered from this company several times before and never had a problem. The company has shown integrity in my order process with them even though it may appear otherwise.

I would not recommend placing an order with this company anytime soon. It does not appear to me that this company has malicious intent, rather it appears they are having internal difficulties. This is a serious weakness they need to overcome.

My review is an attempt to be rational. It is not meant to boost PageComputer's image. One issue that bothers me about many of these reviews is they are written by an anxious person nervously waiting for their order to arrive. This is normal. What is the current status of the previous reviewers' orders? Have any of them received their money back?

An honest business should strive to ensure the customer does not ever feel anxiety over concerns of fraud, lost money, damaged goods, and such. PageComputers has clearly lost this level of trust with its customers.

Edit2: It bothers me the guy below me has not received his money back after one month. PageComputers should have taken care of his situation by now.

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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"I ordered a $1000 product on 01-23-07. Two days later the price was taken out of my bank account and the item was listed as shipped. No tracking number was given nor was an email sent saying the item had been shipped. I called to inquire about the tracking number but was not able to get ahold of ANYONE. The details of my dealings with the email and phone customer service echo those of the reviews prior to mine so I won't go into details there. Just know that I have left 10 voicemails and emailed 2 times and have yet to be responded to. The product I purchased has been listd in stock from the day I placed the order to todays date, 02-10-07. The price of the item has gone up dramatically, but it is still listed in stock.

The rest of this review is about how to attempt to get your money back. As of the day of this writing, I haven't received the product or my money back, nor has anyone been able to get ahold of the company to my knowledge.

First, contact your bank and file a claim against Pagecomputer. Give them the exact price amount of products ordered, the date they were ordered, and the day Pagecomputers deducted that amount from your bank account.

After that, contact the Better Business Bureau at and follow the instructions for filing a complaint.

Then contact the Department of Consumer Affairs at

Finally, contact the District Attorney's office in Los Angeles at That page has four ways to contact them at the top. Regardless of which way you choose, make sure to put in the message that you need the Consumer Fraud Division.

In each of the aforementioned ways you must list the details of what has happened to you and make it clear that you want either your product or your money back. I would opt for the money, because I do not trust this company to even send the right product.

If any of the people asks for Pagecomputers info, give them this:

Page Computer
4665 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90029-3342
Main Tel. #: ***-***-****
Main Fax #: ***-***-****

Good luck to each and everyone one of you who have been wronged by Page Computer.

Edit: I do agree that you should always be polite when dealing with any company. I also agree that you should give them a reasonable time to respond to your request for either shipping your order or giving you your money back. What is reasonable will vary from person to person, but for me not responding to my inquiries about my $1000 order after approximately 10 business days is unreasonable. According to the District Attorney's Office of LA, what happened to me and many of the other reviewers on this site IS CONSUMER FRAUD. If a company lists that a product is "In Stock" when it isn't and says the item has been shipped when it hasn't then that is misleading (which CA penal code states as consumer fraud). It does not matter that the Order department and the warehouse have poor communications or that the website is only updated every X number of days. The DA said that if the In Stock changed to out of stock within a couple days it would be a different story, however the item remained listed as In Stock for approximately 3 weeks following the purchase date. It even increased in price. If you have time to rectify the situation by waiting weeks and weeks, then by all means go for it. If, on the other hand you, you need parts within a reasonable amount of time for school, business etc., then take whatever action you can immediately to either get the product or your money back. I do not recommend you just sit by and wait for them to respond to your emails or voicemail. Get your bank involved at the very least.

Update: 02-22-07 I still have not received my money back from this company. They have not responded to my emails, and their voicemail is full at present.

Update: 03-14-07 Still no refund or contact with this company. If there is anyone out there who has any suggestions, please submit them.

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Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"I will NEVER shop here again. Period.

Placed an order. My credit card was charged 2 days later. At the one week mark, my order was still "in process", so I sent an e-mail inquiring about it. Got a response several days later saying that my order had been forwarded to the distributor, and they were awaiting shipping information. At the two week mark, my order was still "in process", so I e-mailed again. It took a week to get a response. They claimed they had to cancel my order as the item I ordered (Antec computer case) was no longer available. They also stated that my credit card had not been charged, but in the event that it was, they would issue a full refund. Still waiting for my money back. In the mean time, their site still has the case listed as available, but at a higher price than they already charged me for it.

Never again.

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
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"I made an order for a 27 inch Toshiba flat screen TV on January 22, 2007 with page computers. I was surprised that they credited my card on the same day so I thought that this company would be just as fact with their shipping methods as well. Well, I wish I could have at least done some research in regards to this company before I immediately rushed to make this purchase. The next day I checked that my order was in "process", but when I checked the page for this item it was stated that the item was out of stock with a price jump of over $140. I was starting to get a bit suspicious and did some research online, to see what buyers had to say. Unreliability and unsatisfaction was all I had seen for the past 2 months. After waiting for a week I saw that my status hasn't changed, so during the last 2 week of my order, I had sent 4 online requests and 1 email with no answer. They are virtually impossible to reach by phone, as there is always heavy "call volume", and insist that is an email or contact form is left they will reply within two business days. I found that to be bullsh*t. They send you automated replies in regards to your contact form, meaning they don't even bother to read it, but just send you a notification form to let you know that they read your form, but cannot respond due to "technical dificulties". My question is "If you are having technical difficulties, then why is it that you can receive my contact form AND send me an automated reply along with it???" I have been sent four replies, all the same. I decided to take action and contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint. I guess the company received the complaint because about a week later I was sent an e-mail confirming a cancellation that I had requested a couple of days before.

My advice for anyone and everyone who is fed up with pagecomputer's service is to write a detailed complaint to the BBB. You can contact them by phone or you can go online to I left them 2 emails stating that "If I didn't receive my item or a full cancellation and refund in 2 business days that I would be forced to take legal action towards them." so that probably played as a factor as well. Be strict with this company, it's the only way you'll receive a response. I received my refund 3 business days later. DO NOT RECOMMEND!!!

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Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"Stay away from PAGE COMPUTERS. On 2007-01-21, I placed an order for a product which was noted as "in stock." The next day, my credit card was billed (in direct violation of their own shipping/back-order policies). Two weeks later, the product had still not shipped. I first sent an email asking for an order status: never received a response. I called eleven (11) times, and never could reach a sales rep, as the call was either not picked-up, dropped, or dropped into voicemail. I left two voicemail messages: never received a response. Two days later, I sent a final, urgent email canceling my order: never received a response. Ultimately, I was forced to call my credit card company to reclaim my initial loss (>$200), and to charge credit card fraud against PAGECOMPUTERS. Finally (today), received a form-based email from this vendor wherein they state that they cannot find the product in question and will cancel the order (hours later, still pending) and credit my account accordingly (again, still pending). Do yourself a favor and stay away from Page Computers.

UPDATE: Just filed a complaint with the BBB of Southland, California.

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Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"Ordered CPU and computer case on January 18, 2007. On january 31st after 100 attempts to get anybody on the phone got one person on the phone and was able to submit order cancellation request. Got email with confirmation, and since this date there no money refund in my account, no answer to my emails.

It seems like their phone system is programmed to go to voice mail box after several minutes on hold, which is full so you can not leave a message. The other favorite message is about "Heavy call volume..". Of course, if you stole money from customers, they will try to get them back, right? They were very fast taking your money, but then...

I have ordered from them before, and there was no problem with shipment. Yes, it was not so fast like NewEgg or TigerDirect, but I got my things in less then 10 days. I don't know what happened with these guys, but, if you are doing business, you should do it in right way. If you can not, close the store, pay your debt to customers, and at least say "sorry" for inconvinience.

I hope Federal Trade Commission will take care of them soon. Everybody should post their complaints there (

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
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Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"Update 2/23/07- Page computer still has not refunded my money. Furthermore fraudulent charges have begun to appear on the credit card I used for this purchase. The combination of email address and details of the fraudulent charges indicates that Page Computer is the only possible source. All I can say is buyer beware.

Avoid this retailer at all costs. I returned a product to them January 9th (confirmed UPS receipt) and as of February 7th have not received credit back to card despite Page emails saying it was being processed. It looks like these guys are going out of business and trying to steal as much money as they can before they go down.

I urge everyone who has problems with Page to file complaints with the FTC, Better Business Bureau, CNet Certified Stores program (they will investigate if they receive 3 complaints within one week), and the LA District Attorney's office.

Detailed Review Benchmark + -
Pricing of products and services
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"I purchased a wireless presentation remote/pointer - was charged for it the next day and never received it. I tried emailing customer service 3 times with no response. I phoned the number listed on my bill and no answer, no machine. Don't waste your time/money with Page Computers. No wonder their rating is so low."

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Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges



"** Please file a complaint with the FCC and BBB if you are having similar issues **

Reading here, it seems as though pagecomputers has begun the following scam within the past month. 1) Advertise items at very low prices and list them as in-stock 2) Immediately collect charges from the customer 3) Send a delayed response stating that the warehouse messed up, or that there was a pricing error - give the option to pay the difference, wait for the backorder, or cancel 4) Delay the refund as long as possible.

I ordered on 1/22, and was charged immediately. They would not answer emails for some time, and never answer the phone (nor do they have voicemail). They make plenty of excuses - such as "internet connection outages" that rendor ONLY their cancellation and cust service emails inoperative (ie not orders), and that the 'warehouse messed up' and gave them incorrect inventory data. The ultimately got back to me a week later and said that I could wait several weeks for it to come in from backorder. The odd thing is, the website still shows it in-stock, and the price has gone up 20%. I'd be willing to bet if someone bought an e6400 right now at the higher price, it would magically be 'in stock'.

I canceled the order about a week ago, and I've yet to see a refund. It seems if they can charge me immediately, for goods they supposedly don't even have, they should be able to refund in a similar timeframe.

I've since opened complaints with the BBB and FTC. If we could get even 1/10th of the people posting the same problems on here to open complaints with the FTC they might be able to open an investigation and shut these crooked folks down. Enough already!

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Overall product shipping and delivery process
Overall customer service
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges